

2024年3月に「マビノギ四枝より第1話パートI」を日本ウェールズ協会主催 St David's Day Reception and Concertにて初演(会場:日本外国特派員協会)


Reading drama with Music based on the Mabinogion, the earliest prose stories in British literature from 11th century Wales, created & composed by Suguru Minamide who was raised in Wales.

“The Mabinogion 1st Branch Part I” was premiered in March 2024 at the St David’s Day Reception and Concert organized by St David’s Society of Japan held in the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ).

Recorded show available to watch on YouTube


南出卓 / Suguru Minamide

クリエイター、音楽プロデューサー、ピアニスト、作曲家。神戸出身。13歳で渡英。英国王立ウェールズ音楽演劇大学ピアノ科卒業。2005年に15年の英国生活を経て拠点をアジアに移し、インド交響楽団の設立や西カザフスタンフィルハーモニー管楽団の楽団長を経て日本に帰国。2009 年に Music Inc.設立、同年に日本最大級の女性だけの弦楽オーケストラとなる Bloom Quartet & Ensembleを東京で結成。2011年東日本大震災をうけ福島県郡山市に復興オーケストラ『東北こどもオーケストラ』を結成その後の復興オーケストラの先駆けとなる。これまでに「神戸市立小機記念美術館マンスリーコンサート」、「JR西日本主催ちょこっと関西歴史たび特別企画神戸旧居留地Premium Classical Concert」、「こうべ文化まちのコンサート」、「兵庫テロワール旅〜JR兵庫 DC特別企画 Terroir de Kobe 《灘の日本酒と音楽の宴》 ディナーショー」、「盛田味の館《日本酒と音楽のテロワール》」など、独創的な企画を数々プロデュース&出演。2021年よりソニー創業者盛田昭夫に多大な影響を受けた方の生の声を集めた映像アーカイブ「Akio MoritaClub」の映像制作とナビゲーターを担当。

アーティストとしての活動は英国在住ガラス彫刻家Griet Beyaertと映像と音楽のアートコラボレーション(英国 Arts Council England基金助成事業)でピアノ即興演奏や、2023年には日本外国特派員協会主催 A September Shakespeare Soiree に作曲家・ピアニストとして出演、約20年ぶりに作曲家・ピアニストとしての活動を再開する。2024年には日本ウェールズ協会主催 St David's Day Receptionでウェールズ幻想物語 Mabinogion をテーマに朗読劇をプロデュースし新曲を発表。同年にWilliam Adams(三浦按針)をテーマにした音楽付き朗読劇「William Adams - 青い目のサムライ - 三浦按針の航海」を日本外国特派員協会で初演。Music Inc.代表、日本ウェールズ協会委員&音楽監督、日本外国特派員協会名誉会員&委員、日本アジア協会会員、ウィリアム・アダムズ協会会員。

南出卓 Instagram

Creator, music producer, pianist, composer, and director of Music Inc. Born in Kobe, Japan, Suguru moved to Cardiff, Wales, when he was 13. After graduating from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, he was involved in various multicultural projects in Wales, including the UK-Japan Festival in 2001. After spending 15 years in Wales, he returned to Japan. As a music producer, he has managed orchestras in India & Kazakhstan, and run various international music festivals, competitions and concerts for foreign artists, including world-renowned violinist Shlomo Mintz. He has also worked with Sir Karl Jenkins, Adieus and LIBELA for their concerts in Japan.

In 2009, to create more awareness of women's equality in Japan, he founded the Bloom Quartet & Ensemble, the first major Japanese professional string orchestra consisting of only young female musicians. This was followed by founding two more orchestras in Kobe and Nagoya, which became the nation's largest female-only string orchestra.

In 2011, he founded the Tohoku Kodomo Orchestra in Koriyama, Fukushima, as part of his post-earthquake Tohoku regeneration project. This pioneer initiative led to many other junior orchestras being founded in Tohoku. He currently produces and runs classical concerts and dinner shows throughout Japan.

In 2023, he performed with Stuart Varnam-Atkin in the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (FCCJ) event A September Soiree as pianist and composer. In 2024, he created a reading drama with his original music themed on Mabinogion, the series of Welsh folktales from the 11th century, for the St David's Society Japan, of which he is a committee member and Music Director. His most recent work “William Adams - A Voyage Around The Blue-Eyed Samurai In Music and Words” has been performed at the FCCJ in October. He is a honorary member of FCCJ and just been appointed as a committee member. He is also a member of the Asiatic Society of Japan and the William Adams Club.

Official Web site


Pianist 米本彩夏 Ayaka Yonemoto
1st Branch Part I & II


2020年に音楽プロダクションMusic Inc.専属アーティストとしてソロ活動を開始。これまでに「神戸旧居留地 Premium Classical Concert」、「神戸市立小磯記念美術館マンスリーコンサート ONLINE」、「こうべ文化まちのコンサート」等への出演を行う。2022年JR西日本主催「ちょこっと 関西歴史たび〜神戸旧居留地 Premium Classical Concert」(神戸市立博物館内)、2023年JR兵庫デスティネーションキャンペーン特別企画「Terroir de Kobe 《灘の日本酒と音楽の宴》」(神戸酒心館)、盛田味の館《日本酒と音楽のテロワール》のソリストとして SONY 創業者の1人盛田昭夫が幼少期に使っていたアンティークピアノで演奏し、このピアノを使った初の CD アルバム「Pianist 米本彩夏~盛田家ピアノで奏でるピアノ小品集」をリリース。

2024年に日本外国特派員協会(FCCJ)で開催された日本ウェール協会主催St David’s Day Reception and Concertに出演、同年10月にはプロデュー&クリエイター南出卓製作&作曲の音楽付き朗読劇「William Adams - 青い目のサムライ -三浦按針の航海」にゲスト出演する。

米本彩夏 Webサイト
米本彩夏 Instagram

Ayaka was born in Osaka, Japan. After graduating from Mukogawa Women's University, the largest women’s university in Japan, and completing its postgraduate course, she took a diploma course at École Normale de Musique de Paris "Alfred Cortot”. Since then, she has received numerous national competition prizes, including 5th prize in the 29th Japan Classical Music Competition, 1st prize in the 13th Beten Music Competition, and an Outstanding Performance Award in the 13th Kobe Newcomer Music Award.

In 2020, she signed an exclusive contract with Music Inc., produced by Suguru Minamide, and started her career as a concert pianist. In 2022, she performed a series of concerts in association with the West Japan Railway Company (JR West) and appeared in "Terroir de Kobe" dinner shows in a prestigious sake brewery in Kobe. In 2023, she performed on a restored antique piano that was owned by the late Akio Morita, the founder of SONY, and recorded the CD "Pianist Ayaka Yonemoto Plays Akio Morita's Piano”. In 2024 she has appeared in St David’s Day Dinner Show, organised by the St.David’s Society of Japan, performing Suguru Minamide’s adaptation of a reading drama “Mabinogion”. She has also performed in his latest reading drama “William Adams - A Voyage Around The Blue-Eyed Samurai in Music and Words”, organised by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan.

Ayaka Yonemoto Web

Violinist 武田知奈津 Chinatsu Takeda
1st Branch Part II 出演予定

日本人女性ヴァイオリニストの生みの親と言われた小野アンナの弟子であった祖母の手ほどきで4歳からヴァイオリンを始める。 2007年、東京音楽大学在学中に女子弦楽四重奏団ブルームクァルテットの設立メンバーとして本格的な演奏活動を始める。2009年より女子弦楽アンサンブルBloom Quartet & Ensembleのリーダーとしてヴァイオリンとヴィオラを担当、東京文化会館デビューを飾り、その後東京をはじめ名古屋、神戸での公演や、ラフォルジュルネ『熱狂の日』音楽祭、アースデイ東京等に出演。

2014年にBloom Quartetでの韓国全国ツアーを開催、同年7月に日本・韓国・中国の約100ヵ所で同時開催された国際音楽フェスティバルONE DAY FESTIVAL2014の韓国公演に招聘されソロリサイタルを開催、11月には3度目(通算6公演目)となる韓国公演を開催。

NPO法人子宮頸がんを考える市民の会主催『LOVE49プロジェクト』の呼びかけ賛同人として、各地で演奏を通じた啓発活動を行っており、2012年に神戸市で開催された『LOVE49キャンペーンin KOBE』、その他様々な子宮頸がん啓発イベントに出演している他、 ゲームの制作協力(ニンテンドー3DS『ちょーりっち!たまごっちのプチプチおみせっち』)や小学校訪問コンサート、楽器体験ワークショップ、学生オーケストラやヴァイオリン教室ViolinLesson.jpでの指導も積極的に行っている。 弦楽専門誌ストリング2010年12月号、2011年12月号では表紙を飾り活動が紹介される。2012年にテレビ神奈川のお昼の情報番組『ありがとッ!』やTBSが運営するクラシック専門のインターネットラジオOTTAVA forestaにも出演。

コロナ禍には自宅からONLINE配信「Violinist 武田知奈津〜家からのんびりコンサート」をYouTubeで配信する。

武田知奈津 Webサイト
武田知奈津 Instagram

Born in Tokyo, Chinatsu Takeda started to play the violin at the age of four initially taught by her grandmother, who was a student of famous violinist Anna Ono (Anna Dmitrievna Bubnova-Ono), renowned for nurturing may Japanese female violinists before the war. In 2007, in her second year of the degree in Tokyo College of Music, to create more awareness of women's equality in Japan, she co-founded the Bloom Quartet which became Bloom Quartet & Ensemble in 2009, the first major Japanese professional string orchestra consisting of only young female musicians. This led to forming sister ensembles in Kobe and Nagoya, becoming the largest female only string ensemble in Japan. As the ensemble leader, she has appeared many times on the front cover of “String”, a music magazine specialized in string instrument in Japan. Her performance career while taking her degree took her to perform not only in Tokyo but all over Japan.

Since 2014, she has been invited several times to S.Korea to perform in Bloom Quartet as well as a soloist. Apart from her professional performing career, she has been visiting Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture after the great earthquake of 2011 to teach children in Tohoku Kodomo (Junior) Orchestra which Bloom Quartet & Ensemble and Pasona Group founded. She is also an official supporting member of a cervical cancer awareness and prevention project called LOVE49 project in Japan, where she performs and give talks to raise the awareness of the cancer. As a mother of two sons, she spend her time with the family and her performance.

Since 2007, she co-created and became the first exclusive artist for Music Inc., a music production & management office which was created at the same time as Bloom Quartet to create more awareness of women's equality in music performance in Japan.

Chinatsu Takeda Web

Narrator フィオン・ブラウニング Ffion Browning
1st Branch Part I & II

ウェールズ、カーディフ出身。大学進学まで母国語ウェールズ語学校で教育を受け、学内の演劇やミュージカルをはじめ、ウェールズ語・英語の二か国語で様々なスクールブロダクションに出演。合場での活動はウェールズ最大の音楽・文化の祭典「ナショナル・アイステッズヴォド・オブ・ウェールズ」で3位を受賞。学外ではユースシアター MyUKのメンバーとして「レ・ミゼラブル」に出演し、イギリスのミュージカルの聖地ロンドン・ウェストエンドの舞台に立った。オックスフォード・ブルックス大学で日本研究と社会学を専攻し交換留学生として北九州大学に1年間在籍。その間に北九州市でウェールズ文化を広める活動を行った。大学卒業後ナショナル・リソース・ウェールズで日本の自然を通じた日本文化の階発をウエールズ国内で行う。2023年に日本に再来日し現在英語教師として活動中。

Born in Cardiff, Wales, she attended Welsh-language schools up until University. During her education, she took part in plays and musicals in both English and Welsh. She participated every year in the National Eisteddfod of Wales, a festival celebrating Welsh arts, language and culture, and would often rank in top 3 of the country with her school's choir and in performance categories. Outside of school, she participated in the youth theatre group MyUK in a performance of Les Miserables, with songs then presented as part of a showcase on the West End to promote young performers alongside current musical theatre artists. She studied Japanese Studies and Sociology at Oxford Brookes University. During an exchange year at Kitakyushu University, she assisted in presenting assemblies about Welsh culture and language to the people of Kitakyushu after the popular 2019 Rugby World Cup. While working at National Resources Wales, she created resources for Welsh schools about Japanese nature to aid in cultural awareness after the launch of the Sakura Cherry Tree Project in Wales. She has been working as an English teacher in Tokyo since returning to Japan in 2023.

Booking / 予約

2025.3.2 St David's Society Japan Event at the FCCJ - CANCELLED